Chilly winters are almost here and maintaining warmth inside your home becomes essential. Breezes of cold air can take a huge toll on your comfort if you aren’t having a functional heating system by your side. In this type of scenario, noticing that your furnace isn’t working fine can make things really hard for you in the cold season. So whenever you notice that your furnace is blowing cold air, then troubleshoot it using few useful tips as mentioned by HVAC repair Dania Beach service.
Warm Up Your Furnace
Just like a car, the furnace too, needs to be warmed up. So when you first start your furnace, and it starts blowing cold air for a few minutes and then starts blowing warm air, then there is no stress. Otherwise, if you notice the warm air doesn’t blowing even after a while, then you need to get it checked.
Check Thermostat Setting
If you notice that there is cold air blowing from your furnace, then check whether the thermostat is set to ON or AUTO mode. If the thermostat is set to ON, and you notice that the furnace is not heating the air properly. Then switch the thermostat to AUTO mode, so the fan can blow air when the furnace is heating the air.
Check Ductwork
Older ductwork units can be damaged or leaking at any point in time. This will lead to the escape of the warm air before the vents can be able to blow the warm air inside your home. Noticing upon these problems, you should repair ductwork unit and get it back on track. Doing so will be able to let your furnace work finely.
Check Air Filter
A dirty air filter will prevent airflow and cause your furnace to unnecessarily overheat. When your furnace becomes overheated, it will alert you to turn off the burners. But your fan will run, leading to cold air blowing inside your home. So the best solution is to replace air filters at regular intervals of time. This will lead to normal airflow from your furnace.
Hope this checklist as mentioned by HVAC repair Dania Beach service will get your furnace working better with nice warm airflow.
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